By ALDONA BIRD If you are giving your mother a bouquet of flowers today, or celebrating her by spending some time together outdoors, consider DIY eco-printing. If […]
Author: For The Dominion Post
What’s Blooming at the WVBG
By David P. Last week, we took a stroll through the garden to see what was blooming in some select areas. This week, we focus on […]
Brain food for finals
When seasons change, so do our pallets. The days are filled with sunny skies and longer nights, as we approach summer. With more daylight, it leaves more […]
Saving on gas, using a scythe
Friends, the scythe is my new favorite tool. The scythe, used for centuries, consists of a snath, grips, ring and blade. The curved blade attaches via the […]
Savoring Summer
By ALDONA Just imagine, sitting outdoors on a beautiful morning, birds chirping, flowers blooming. You pour yourself another cup of coffee or tea and take a […]
How has the lack of touch affected us?
Once the number of coronavirus cases increased, we were told not to touch each other. How did one year of not being able to use the universal […]
What’s Blooming at WVBG: There is nothing like a stroll through the garden
MORGANTOWN — This week, let me take you on a stroll through the West Virginia Botanic Garden. Start from the lower parking lot and as you walk […]
Finishing the school year with a bang
With school beginning to wind down on the assignments and start up the pressure for finals, a lot of us are feeling that summer itch. Break is […]
Even small swaps can help make a big difference
Last week I caved to my daughter’s pleas and we made slime. On Earth Day. Oops. The glitter and glue involved tugged at my eco-friendly consciousness; I […]
Building Birdhouses
By ALDONA Many birds are already starting their first broods, but it isn’t too late to put up houses for later nesting birds and migratory species […]