The coronavirus didn’t create the racial wealth gap, but it’s doing an excellent job of making it worse. Advocates fear the economic shock waves from the novel […]
Widespread testing won’t end pandemic if it is inaccurate
A surge of new coronavirus antibody tests, some of them used in studies that appear to show a far greater rate of infection and recovery than we’d […]
Artwork deserves top -notch framing
When I moved into my house, I taped some postcards and prints I’d collected while traveling abroad to my walls, always intending to swap them out for […]
Breathe and hold on. Hope is what tomorrow is for
“Tomorrow, robins will sing.” — Stevie Wonder “Tomorrow there’ll be sunshine, and all this darkness past.” — Bruce Springsteen “Hurry, tomorrow. Tomorrow, I need you now.” — […]
WWII had universal child care. Why not now?
Historically, times of crisis have brought out the best in U.S. policymaking. The Great Depression ushered in the New Deal. The Cuyahoga River burning due to industrial […]
Clean up COVID-19 mess aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt
Sailors go through boot camp at Naval Station Great Lakes near North Chicago, Ill., but things are different due to COVID-19. The current class of recruits was […]
Transportation workers need to be given better protection
Bus drivers across the country are dying from COVID-19. We need to do more to protect them. On March 24, a Detroit bus driver posted a video […]
New words to describe strange times
Among the many things changed by the sad, eerie moment we’re living in is our vocabulary. We bat around words most of us had never heard or […]
Assault accusation needs independent investigation
As he prepares to claim the Democratic presidential nomination, former Vice President Joe Biden is rightly being exhorted to make a fuller and more public response to […]
No stimulus for students
Turning 18 is a trap. Especially if you turned 18 before the coronavirus hit. Being 18 is that awkward place of legally being an adult (you can […]