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Morgantown posts closure notice of homeless encampment

Morgantown Communications Manager Andrew Stacy said the city posted a closure notice at the Diamond Village homeless encampment on Thursday.

Stacy said cleanup of the site will begin on Nov. 30.

The camp has been on city property, next to Decker’s Creek off Pennsylvania Avenue in lower Greenmont, since mid-July.

 About a month later, on Aug. 18, Interim City Manager Emily Muzzarelli laid out a plan to register those living at the camp and find those individuals housing offers. Once all the registered inhabitants had been offered housing, the city would post  notice and clear the site.

As of Oct. 28, Stacy explained that of the original 25 people registered at the camp, eight have been housed, three had offers but had not met with case workers and one has repeatedly declined housing. Of the remaining 13, four are incarcerated and five have left the camp.

 He said the city was trying to confirm if the remaining four were still in town and in need of housing.

 Stacy previously noted that the city and local organizations like Bartlett Housing Solutions were working to get anyone at the camp housed, regardless of whether they were among the original 25 registered inhabitants.

He said that effort will continue until the Nov. 30 cleanup.