Letters, Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Dec. 17 letters to the editor

Suncrest Primary could have been more

The demolition of the former Suncrest Primary School is a short-sighted decision. There are many ways the building could have continued to serve the area. Perhaps as a community center or library, by providing adult education, or even as an arts center or food pantry, to name a few.

The loss of this community base is a loss to the entire neighborhood and to Morgantown in general. It is a loss we will never be able to recover from. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

Schools are public buildings, paid for by taxpayer dollars. Therefore, all of us are partial owners of the school. Owners should be consulted before the demolition of their property.

From a historical standpoint, the school was an anchor for Suncrest. The whole neighborhood radiates out, with the school as the hub. It was on the brochure for the walking tour of Suncrest. It represented the hopes and dreams of those who built it and of the numerous children who attended classes there.

It’s too late to stop the demolition, but I wanted to protest. Suncrest Primary partly belongs to me and to all of us in this city.

Janessa Pyles

A few questions about candidate Trump

The putative Republican nominee has said that he would be a dictator, but only on Day One; he would use this power to stop immigration and to drill for oil.

While I acknowledge his single-mindedness in wrecking his own hotels, golf courses and vineyards by stopping immigrant labor, legal and otherwise, I am sure that he realizes that the economy as a whole would also be wrecked. And while our senior senator and his ilk would certainly benefit from additional fossil fuel revenues, drilling would play havoc with the environment.

People with any track record of solving problems (rather than talking about them) know that complex problems like immigration, the economy and the environment cannot be solved by three-word slogans like “Build the Wall” or “Drill, Drill, Drill.” With these thoughts in mind, I have a few questions.

One: Why does the putative nominee feel that he has to be a dictator in order to stop immigration completely and to increase drilling? Is it because he realizes that the majority of Americans don’t want these actions, so they can only be accomplished by force?

Two: Assuming “Day One” occurs, what happens on Day Two? Does construction stop on the wall, as the nominee is no longer a dictator? Does the drilling stop? If not, is he not still a dictator on Day Two? And on subsequent days?

Three: Approximately four years from Day One, will the putative nominee follow the example of his mentor, current Russian President Putin, run for a third term and do away with any U.S. Navalnys? If he cannot find currently serving U.S. generals to request him to run (Putin used three Russian generals for his photo-op), will pardoned Proud Boys be used?

I am waiting for answers. But I’m not holding my breath.

Dady Dadyburjor

Candidates for governor can’t just ‘talk the talk’

I hope the people running for governor have a plan to finish fixing our roads in Mon County, which Gov. Justice never started.

Here in Mon County, the DOH is so shorthanded it doesn’t have enough people to run snow plows, let alone fix our roads. I hope the new governor will fix that problem first.

Do any of these people have a plan to eliminate taxes on our Social Security benefits? There is no reason why we have to pay taxes on money that we already paid taxes on when we worked to earn Social Security.

I would like to see our next governor get done what he says he is going to do if elected instead of giving false promises that never get done.

So far government is not working for the people. Who are they working for?

Ralph Correll