Letters, Letters to the Editor, Opinion

July 30 letters to the editor

WVU BOG must keep discussions public

The present budget problems of West Virginia University is a matter that should concern all West Virginians, particularly those living in Morgantown — the “Home of the Mountaineers.”

Rumors, suspicions and outright lies are circulating about what caused this serious situation and what steps are being considered to correct it.

An item on the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting of the WVU Board of Governors can only add to the misinformation circulating.

That item — “Potential strategic initiatives relating to academic and administrative priorities” — is under things listed to be discussed in executive session behind closed doors, away from the public.

I suggest that this item be moved off the executive session agenda and be discussed fully in public. This is a public university, and the Board of Governors is public body. It seems the public might know more about the condition of Alderson and Broadus University (a private religious institution in Philippi) than about the state’s flagship institution of higher learning — a public institution.

If this item remains on the behind-closed-doors executive session agenda, it is almost certain that all sorts of “information” will leak from that meeting — and some of that misinformation could even be self-serving for those in charge. This discussion should not be hidden from the public.

Is it not reasonable to expect the public body in charge of oversight of West Virginia University to keep the public informed about what is being considered to “right the ship”?

C.D. “Tony” Hylton, III

The Gone Box: New and improved mail box?

You older folk, mothers and the handicapped, among many others, will be delighted to hear that a new and better drive-by postal box is coming to the Dellslow Post Office; that is, according to a representative at Congressman Mooney’s office.

The new design is unspecified, but it is “improved,” and please don’t ask why the Post Office took the old one out before the improved version was on hand.

Be thankful for the good news, even though I, perhaps among others, remain skeptical until I drive by and see it.

Bob Shumaker

Ditch fossil fuels for a brighter, cooler future

Canada is burning, Greece is burning, North Africa is burning, Arizona and Texas are all but burning. Climate scientists have confirmed that the fires and temperatures we are experiencing are caused by the fossil fuels we have been burning for the last 150 years.

But for Manchin, Justice, Capito, et. al., it’s business as usual. They have been urging that the construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline proceed.

Of course, the new infrastructure will lead to new fracking, creating health hazards that are now familiar to many who live near or around frack sites. The deforestation necessary for this new infrastructure is unacceptable ecologically and aesthetically.

Their insistence on giving the green light to this project is heedless of everything we’re experiencing and everything that science is telling us about the state of our world.

Plus, the gas to be pumped through this pipeline is not for West Virginia, but headed for distant markets. So, once again, we get the pollution and desecration, while others get the profits.

In the future, let’s elect leaders who will do right by us and the common good, not just their good.

We must stop funding these fossil fuel catastrophes and start funding renewables, thus ensuring a future for West Virginians and the rest of the world that is a little brighter and a little cooler.

Lloyd J. Aultman-Moore

Get to work using surplus for roads

The bragging about all the surplus money the state has this year makes you wonder why Gov. Jim Justice hasn’t put our money on resurfacing and paving our roads in West Virginia.

Fixing potholes isn’t the answer, and sometimes the roads are worse.

So many people from other states are appalled that our roads are in such bad shape. If tourism is to survive in West Virginia, then we need to get our roads updated.

So, call the governor and tell him to put surplus money on local roads (304-588-2000).

Maybe he’ll be tired of getting so many phone calls that he’ll reconsider getting our roads done correctly.

Scheryll Richards

Lack of sidewalks ruin walk to local shops

Someone described the game of golf as a good walk spoiled. Well, at least that is an attempt at a good walk. So should be a stroll to the local coffee shop or fruit stand or city park.

But any attempts to walk to those simple pleasures in Westover are not only spoiled, but dangerous due to the lack of sidewalks. One must either walk in a ditch or in the roadway, dodging big trucks (fortunately, most cars swerve to give pedestrians a little more space).

Why should anyone have to drive a car to the local coffee shop? (Shout-out to the very nice Coffee Tree Roasters behind Goodwill.) And can anyone name one other town where you can’t walk to the city park or city hall?

We all know that Holland Avenue is a mess and will be a priority. But it’s time to plan for sidewalks in “upper Westover,” from Big Lots to the Dupont Road entrance to Westover Park.

Kudos to Mountain Line for doing its part by installing sidewalks around the bus station. Now it’s time to finish the job.

Rusty Davis