Editorials, Opinion

Congrats to Corey DeHaas, North’s new principal

We would like to congratulate Corey DeHaas on being named North Elementary’s new principal, and we wish him luck.

DeHaas was previously an assistant principal at South Middle School and at Mountainview Elementary before that. In total, he’s been with Monongalia County Schools for roughly 12 years.  He has been at North Elementary in an interim role as its top administrator since February.  

DeHaas seems to be a good fit for the school, and the Board of Education was smart to promote him. Having the interim principal become the official principal allows for the kind of consistent leadership from which we believe the school and the community will benefit.

It was never a question of academic success — that continued despite the turmoil. The school has always had a reputation of excellence, and we’re sure that will continue, if not improve, under DeHaas’ leadership.

North had a bit of a rough patch, but it seems everything is settling into place. Now the stage is set for a new beginning, just in time for the school year to start next month.