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Kingwood Council discusses concerns over roads

KINGWOOD — Concerns about undedicated streets within city limits were discussed with council members and Randy Plum, vice chairman of the sewer board.

“I don’t live on Kimberley, it’s an undedicated street. I live on Seamont,” Plum said. “My concern is, a developer submits designs for streets, waste water and sidewalks. Usually the city takes over the streets and utilities takes over the utilities. That’s the only way the city has to pave the streets, or it (street) goes back to the developer, or it (street) goes back to the owner of the lot.”

He said there are 14 undedicated streets in the city that are not paved and from which snow is not removed by the city. Plum said by having streets meet specifications so they can be given over to the city, is the only way to make sure they do not remain gravel streets.

“With any new development, you have the authority to ask for anything you want so you can take over the street and pave and do snow removal,” he said.

Councilman Bill Robertson said council saw the same plans as the sewer board. He said to be dedicated there is an ordinance for paving and for plans that must be met

No further action was taken.

Tracy Whetsell addressed council members about speeding and people ignoring the stop sign at the corner of Grandview and Pleasant streets.

“There are elderly people walking on the street and kids riding bicycles,” he said. “When Haney (Charley Haney former chief of police) was in charge, he said I was a one-man band. I raised Cain because someone is going to get run over there. We have people who can’t read (the stop sign), and there is an elderly person who goes through in a wheelchair.”

City Police Chief D. Montague said he has not received any calls about the problem.

“Any time there is a problem you can call me or email me,” he said. “I didn’t know the stop sign was being run on your street. If you see it happen, give me a call.”

There was no further discussion.

Council members also discussed the possibility of giving the water and sewer boards $347,000 each from ARPA funds.

Robertson said the city should have its second check by the end of June or first of July.

“My understanding is when it is put into city funds we can’t give it to water and sewer because the city doesn’t typically give funds to them,” he said.

Councilman Michael Livengood said he believed the city attorney should be asked to make sure it can be done. Robertson said he would like to have the attorney verify his understanding of the funds.

The next meeting of the Kingwood City Council will be 7 p.m. June 14.

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