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Out like a lamb? March weather continues to swerve from winter to spring

MORGANTOWN — The weather roller coaster will keep rolling for the next few days, going from cold to warm and back to cool again, according to the National Weather Service.

The on-again, off-again weekend snows brought an inch or two that would melt away, said NWS meteorologist Pat Herald. In the ridges, the highest elevations saw 6-8 inches.

Monday afternoon temperatures hovered around 28. Flurries were expected to continue through the day Monday and wind up by morning.

Folks will wake up to a chilly Tuesday morning, about 15 degrees, he said. It will bounce up to the mid-40s during the day.

The temperature outlook for Morgantown is a high of 47 on Tuesday, dropping to 32 that night with a chance of rain or snow.

Wednesday will start with showers, according to the NWS, then turn partly cloudy — but warm, with a projected high of 74. Thursday remains warm and wet, with a high of 74 and low of 38.

The cold is projected to return on Friday, dropping to 46 during the day with a low of 30 that night.

Asked about the bouncy temperatures, Herald said it’s normal spring transitional swings we see here from late March into April.