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COLUMN: Make the switch and eat in

Be honest, how often do you eat out a week? Is it because you’re too busy, maybe you just don’t like to cook, better yet who likes to clean?

Eating out can be a treat, but it can also be holding you back from your healthiest lifestyle.

 No matter how many times you may go to Chipotle or Panera, because those are considered “healthier” fast foods, the best food you can put in your body is whole foods from your very own kitchen.

 The average American eats out 4-5 times a week (Thesimpledollar). Here are some easy ways to make simple meals during the week with little clean up, changing everyday eating out to a treat every so often.

One-sheet dishes are my favorite type of meals. They’re easy, fast, little clean up and a healthy meal that’s very delicious. Getting a baking sheet and  parchment paper is all you need.

You can cut up any vegetable (asparagus, broccoli, carrots, zucchini, eggplant, etc) and add in a carb such as potatoes or sweet potatoes along with a protein (chicken, salmon, etc).

Preheat your oven to 375-425 degrees. Throw on some olive oil and any seasonings you’d like and pop it in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

That’s it! Super easy and a great healthy meal during the week!

I buy a lot of frozen vegetables and canned ones, I have no shame in my game. Adding more vegetables to your diet is key to reducing risk of chronic diseases. They are also low in calories and fat.

 Another easy add on would be chicken and if you’re very busy or a beginner at chicken, grabbing a bag of frozen chicken you can pop in the oven is never a bad idea.

 A veggie and some chicken is a great dinner  for the week.

Lastly, even a frozen healthy choice meal can be a better option than McDonald’s.

Eating out can take a toll on your body, filling it with empty calories and unnecessary sugars. Eating at whole is always a good option, so if you’re having trouble maintaining a healthy diet, try eating out less.

This way you can become more familiar with healthy food groups, learning to balance your plate, and making the next time you decide to go out a treat rather than a daily activity.

Christelle Temple is an WVU honors sophomore. She contributes a weekly column on health, fitness and motivation. Follow her on Instagram @ellesbells2. Contact her at