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Volume 1–Episode 2: The case for crossbows

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In this episode, Andrew discusses bowhunting culture and how crossbows fit into it with TenPoint Crossbow Technologies’ Marketing Coordinator Bryan Zabitski. Bryan is a lifelong hunter who’s first bowhunting experience was with a TenPoint crossbow, albeit around the turn of the century.

Since that first hunt, he began working for the Ohio-based company and quickly moved up the ladder to where he is now. In his time with TenPoint, he’s noticed how the mindset around crossbows has begun to shift as more people have become accepting of the weapon as an ethical means of harvesting an animal.

Still, there are some who don’t think they belong in the woods during archery season.

The two discuss all of this and more in Episode 2, so tune in – this is a conversation you don’t want to miss