Soon, I will be lending a hand at the largest no-kill animal sanctuary in the country. Since visiting Best Friends in Kanab, Utah, this past summer, I […]
Tag: Katie Long
Making friends, not foes, with AI
I remember when the most common form of artificial intelligence was a 20-year-old philosophy major waxing wise on the meaning of life. There was nothing real about […]
Everyone needs a rock sometimes
A couple of months ago, my dad mentioned he missed seeing those colorful, decorated rocks that began popping up in random places during the pandemic. Fueled, I […]
‘Watch out for deer’ — Not good at good-byes (if this is one)
It’s crazy how the world works. Every morning, we wake up, believing we know what the next 24 hours will bring. Some mornings, we’re right. Others, we […]
A boy and his granddad, together again
Every summer, I climb into the back seat of my dad’s Traverse, dogs in tow, to head to Carolina Beach for a week of family time. It’s […]
Mothers and daughters are a beautiful thing
Well, I’m back. For the few people besides my father who regularly turn to this space to read these words, you’ll have noticed I was absent the […]
Podcasts that will make you more interesting at parties
My dog Tulip will eat anything. And I really do mean anything. The fuzz Moo pulls out of his toys, leaves and sticks, dirty napkins, you name […]
Want to change the world? Start with the front of your hair
What is it about the female species that whenever life doesn’t feel quite right, our first inclination is, “Maybe I should get bangs?” I posed this question […]
Watchword for 2024 isn’t really a word at all
Last night I lay awake nearly until dawn, a very real pit bull snoring in my ear, a metaphorical hornet’s nest in my head. It was just […]
Oh, the horror … of this hair
Because I write and I love horror movies, people often ask if I’ve ever considered penning a screenplay. My friend Matt — who has worked on a […]