The Dominion Post is endorsing Sara Anderson, Melanie Baker Rogers and Mike Kelly for Monongalia Board of Education. Anderson, the mother of two, who attend local schools, […]
April 30 meeting of region’s commissioners should attempt to understand District 4 first
It will probably never rise to the level of “a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.” But the inability to predict what the Division of […]
Large-scale and smaller disasters increasingly call for shared responsibility by everyone
There’s often little to no choice but to take responsibility for yourself in an emergency. After all, in almost any emergency victims and bystanders are the first […]
Bottom line on W.Va. 7 intersection is something has to change
None of our editorials about the Division of Highways (DOH) are ever personal. But the fact is the public takes potholes, roadwork, congestion and poorly designed intersections […]
Not heaven for children: Rate of addicted babies casts shadow on tourism campaign
It was the best of states, it was the worst of states. Every state’s headlines are filled with peaks and valleys daily. But West Virginia’s almost unfailingly […]
Long-term PEIA fix will eventually require everyone ‘to get distracted by numbers’
“I don’t want you to get distracted by numbers.” That was the Public Employees Insurance Agency (PEIA) director’s advice to a PEIA task force this week. Of […]
Shifting from educational model to a virtual crisis control one in our schools is apparent
She said it would need to happen in years to come. We get the impression it needs to happen immediately. Our newspaper recently published an op-ed wherein […]
Death of former county commissioner Kennedy reminds us of what’s really important in life
Like everyone, he weathered his share of disappointments in life. But we rarely knew him to ever get discouraged. Yet, one day in March 2007, after an […]
Taking a knee on voting unpatriotic
Grassroots organizing needs to start at the ground level by registering eligible voters A lot of bad public officials get where they are because a lot of […]
Developments on opioid epidemic reason to think we’re at turning point
The phrase “cautiously optimistic” is one we rarely use, if at all. OK, maybe if you’re talking about spring arriving sometime this month we would. But on […]