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City Councilor Danielle Trumble appointed to serve on League of Cities Human Development Committee

Danielle Trumble, Fifth Ward City Councilor of Morgantown, has been appointed to the National League of Cities (NLC) 2024 Human Development Federal Advocacy Committee.

Trumble was elected to a one-year term and will provide strategic direction and guidance for NLC’s federal advocacy agenda and policy priorities on workforce development, education, early childhood, public health care, mental health parity, immigration reform and more.

The appointment was announced by NLC President Mayor David Sander of Rancho Cordova, Calif.

“I’m honored for the opportunity to be an advocate and to help form federal policy on behalf of municipalities like Morgantown who are on the front lines of these issues,” Trumble said.

As a member of NLC’s Human Development Committee, Trumble will play a role in shaping NLC’s policy positions and advocate on behalf of America’s cities, towns and villages before Congress, with the administration and at home.

“NLC’s federal advocacy committees play an important role in helping policymakers in Washington understand the issues and challenges facing America’s cities, towns and villages at the local level,” said Sander. “I’m thrilled to have Councilor Trumble serve on NLC’s Human Development Committee this year and look forward to working with her to strengthen the federal-local partnership, and grow our common knowledge of the issues and opportunities facing our communities.”

This year’s Human Development Committee will be led by Chair Adriana Rocha Garcia, councilmember, San Antonio, Texas; Vice Chair Wardine Alexander, council president pro tempore, Birmingham, Ala.; and Vice Chair Kim Norton, mayor, Rochester, Minn.

For more information on NLC’s federal advocacy committees, visit: