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100 Days of School

With my daughter starting kindergarten this year, I was so excited for the school spirit days, the holiday programs and all the fun little activities that come with school age children.

This week, the kids are celebrating 100 Days of School. This is a great achievement for all little learners and I couldn’t wait to make the experience a fun one for my daughter.

I was so happy to hear that they still celebrate this milestone in school. I remember when I was in elementary school, I did crafts and dressed up for the occasion. I remember making shirts that had 100 different things glued on them and getting to wear it to school.

So, I was quick to get on Pinterest and look for the cutest ideas for 100 Days of School shirts. I saw so may options, depending on what your kid is into. I saw 100 Lego pieces, 100 googly eyes and even 100 toy dinosaurs.

My little one is really into painting, so I knew I wanted to have her paint on her shirt. Then I found the perfect idea! It was a shirt with the words, “Thumbs Up! I’m 100 Days Smarter!” surrounded by 100 thumb prints.

I showed the idea to my daughter and she loved it. She wanted to pick out the paint colors herself and help write the words. So, I took her to Michaels craft store and picked up a plain white shirt and then let her pick out two paint colors to use to make her thumb prints. She decided on pink and blue.

When we got home, I took a black sharpie and wrote the words across the shirt for her. She wanted to do it herself, but I wanted to make sure it would all fit on the shirt and I didn’t want her to get sharpie on anything else. One tip I have for this is to put a cutting board or something in the shirt, so the sharpie doesn’t bleed through to both sides.

After the words were on the shirt, I took a paper plate and squirted a blob of each color paint on it so that she could dip her thumbs into it. We counted the thumb prints as she was pressing them onto the shirt, which was great counting practice for her!

Once the shirt was all done and she could see her little thumb prints all over it, she loved it! She couldn’t wait to wear it to school.

If your child’s 100th Day of School is coming up and you haven’t made them a shirt yet, I suggest looking on Pinterest, making a quick trip to the craft store, and having a blast making something with your kids. You won’t regret it!

ANN BURNS is a Morgantown native, raising two young children with her husband, Drake. She writes weekly columns for The Dominion Post. Contact her at