Editorials, Opinion

Nancy Walker leaves behind big shoes to fill

After 28 years of service on the Monongalia County Board of Education, Nancy Walker has announced her decision not to seek reelection.

Walker has always been known for her engagement — even before she was on the BOE, she was on her kids’ school’s PTA and improvement council, plus she did Read Aloud. She brought that same energy (and maybe more) to her role on the county’s board of education.

Walker takes with her almost three decades of institutional knowledge that will be sorely missed. She’s overseen countless changes from bonds and levies to superintendents to opening and closing schools and a million less-grand accomplishments that impact the everyday world of Mon County’s education. (Moving parent-teacher conferences to after school was her brainchild, back in the day.) Whoever wins her seat will have big shoes to fill.

We wish Walker the best as she closes this chapter and begins a new one. We hope she knows just how dearly she will be missed.