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Retired WVU professor earns 3rd award for novel

Retired WVU Law Professor Forest “Jack” Bowman has been named the winner of the 2023 Kindle Book Awards for his novel “All Our Yesterdays.”

The award was made in the Mystery-Thriller category. This novel had already received a 5-Star Review from Reader Views and a Bronze Medal from Global Book Awards.

“All Our Yesterdays” tells the story of Adam, an undersized 14-year-old orphan who is sent to live on a hardscrabble farm in 1896 rural America. After being repeatedly beaten by two vicious boys who live there, he escapes to his hometown and secures an apprenticeship.

Through hard work and careful planning, he ultimately becomes the owner of the business and a leader in the town. But the boys who had mistreated him on the farm continue to bedevil him. When they finally do the unthinkable and face no consequences because of their powerful father, Adam contrives a stunning and hair-raising revenge that even the brothers can’t believe is happening. Meanwhile, no one in town has the slightest hint that Adam has obtained his revenge.

Kindle Book Awards are designed to recognize self-published or small press authors. Reader Views is one of the most respected awards programs for independent authors and Global Book Awards aim to help readers discover new and often undiscovered talent.

“All Our Yesterdays” is Bowman’s second novel. His first, “The Secret of the 48th Foot,” which is set throughout West Virginia, involves two WVU professors engaged in a search for the chest of silver coins that disappeared following Gen. Edward Braddock’s defeat near present-day Pittsburgh in 1755. His most recent novel, “The Richmond Exchange,” tells the story of a young, inexperienced U.S. Army lieutenant who uncovers a Confederate plot to kidnap President Lincoln and who must act on his own to save the president and the Union.

All three novels have been well-received with reviewers calling the books “entertaining, action-filled, wonderfully and artfully written spellbinding stories.” Of his latest novel one reviewer said the book was “well layered with skillfully developed plot lines and interwoven with fact-based historical tidbits.”

All of Bowman’s books are available for purchase on in both paperback and ebook format and also can be found at Appalachian Gallery in Morgantown.