Editorials, Opinion

Preston BOE, yes, introduce the levy

The Preston County Board of Education is exploring the worthwhileness of putting another education levy on the ballot come May. There’s an exploratory committee, and an online survey for the community just wrapped up.

Our advice: Instead of a million committee meetings to decide whether or not to introduce the levy, just do it. Put the levy on the ballot. It never hurts to try.

No one really likes paying more taxes, but many people understand that if everyone puts a few dollars towards education, they aren’t just investing in the local schools, they are investing in a better future for the entirety of Preston County.

The West Virginia Department of Education just released its annual review, and when it comes to “County Operational Effectiveness Indicators of Efficiency,” Preston County was marked as needing assistance to better develop career and technical education. The county was also put “on watch” under the Balanced Scorecard Student Performance and Success Indicator(s) for not meeting the standards in math achievement. (Preston was also flagged for attendance problems.)

A school levy could help to address these issues. We know Preston County parents want to support their kids, and we think the Preston BOE should give residents the benefit of the doubt. Put the levy on the ballot.