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MUB crews work through high temps by being safe

Just because the mercury reaches uncomfortably close to 90 doesn’t mean work crews, like those who labor for Morgantown Utility Board, get a break.

Chris Dale, director of communications for MUB, said while the heat can pose challenges for those working outside, taking a day off to stay cool isn’t an option.

Because of that, it’s imperative those crews know how to stay safe.

“Given the importance of the work that we do, especially during periods of high temperatures, we don’t have the luxury of adjusting work schedules,” Dale said. “Because of this, we ensure that ample cold water and ice are available in coolers and that water and cooling breaks are taken.

“MUB staff attend safety briefings on working in hot weather and are trained to identify and respond to hot weather-related injuries.”

Supervisors also take care to check in on crews regularly — and everyone keeps tabs on how their fellow workers are holding up.

“Supervisors keep a close eye on workers and workers keep a close eye on each other,” Dale said. “Staff members do not hesitate to take water breaks or rest in air-conditioned vehicles when it is deemed necessary. Our guys are true professionals and fully practice the fact that there is no room for ego when it comes to safety.”

Workers busy relocating a waterline along Beechurst Avenue put those lessons into practice on Friday, as temperatures pushed toward 90 degrees — and the high humidity made it feel more like 105, according to Accuweather’s Real Feel meter.

The Beechurst job, Dale explained involves relocating a waterline along that road, between Hough Street and Campus Drive, as part of continuing efforts to widen Beechurst Avenue.

“This includes the moving of meters and the renewal of connections and fire service lines,” he said.

The cost of MUB’s work is $750,000, which is being paid for by the WVDOH, Dale said.