Editorials, Opinion

Teachers haven’t felt the love, but this is Teacher Appreciation Week

Yesterday was the nationally recognized Teacher Appreciation Day, but Teacher Appreciation Week goes until Friday.

The not-holiday is extra special this year, given all the flack educators have faced at school board meetings and on the floors of state legislatures recently. But in all the debate about what should or should not be taught to our kids, no one takes the time to acknowledge what an essential profession teaching is, or the special people who have what it takes to do the job.

Teachers aren’t just people who stand in the front of the classroom, reciting factoids. Teachers are mentors and friends and confidants. Teachers are stand-in parents and caretakers and guardian angels. Teachers are cheerleaders and counselors and role models. They are so much more than what the name “teacher” implies.

These are the people who teach America’s youth what our society expects of them, and prepare them for the wider world. These are the people who teach our kids to become informed adults, critical thinkers and cooperative people. All while dodging   myriad disruptions and more red tape than the rest of us even know about.

So, to our teachers: Since you haven’t heard it enough lately, we want to say we appreciate you and all the ways you go above and beyond every day. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!