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Biser expects to blend old school with new as he inserts no-huddle Wing-T with Mohigans

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — With an old-school feel mixed in with a modern approach to football, Sean Biser is the first to tell you he can be viewed as being a little different.

“Sometimes we may look like something out of the 1930s and sometimes we may look like 2020,” the first-year Morgantown High football coach said. “It’s all about finding your strengths and going with them.”

Case in point: Biser wrapped up his second summer workout with his varsity team Wednesday and his offense knows all of two plays.

He doesn’t hesitate to share that fact, either.

“I’m old school when it comes to that,” Biser said. “I’m the type of guy that would rather have seven plays that your team runs really well than 20 plays that are just awful.

“In fact, after we had our first workout on Monday, I felt we had to scale it back to half from there. The small details and precision mean everything to me.”

Has he caught flack for that before? You bet. Especially in today’s fast-paced high-wire acts that come in the form of fancy spread offenses, a game plan with just a small number of plays can be unimpressive.

“You know what? I’ve got broad shoulders,” he said. “I’ve got thick skin. I know what works.”

There is the other side to Biser’s Wing-T offense that MHS fans should get to know.

That is the hurry-up, hair-on-fire pace the Mohigans are also picking up.

Never heard of a no-huddle Wing-T offense before? You’re about to.

“I don’t know if anyone has heard of it before,” Biser says with a smile. “Honestly, it’s something that has grown on me through the years of studying the game and talking to so many coaches. Bits and pieces were picked up from different places and some of it is how I’ve always felt the game should be played.”

Biser’s technique for signaling in his plays would make any third-base coach proud. So far, it seems to be working. No quarterback has thrown down any sacrifice bunts yet.

“Actually, the system we use is the same one Rich Rodriguez used at West Virginia,” said Biser, a former offensive lineman with the Mountaineers under Don Nehlen. “We didn’t get it from him, though. We actually picked that up from a Division II school that ran the same type of system.”

Each new day will be another step in the process for Biser and the Mohigans, who are trying to rebound from a 3-7 season in 2019.

He says he is in no hurry and his hands-on approach lets you know he’s enjoying the teaching process.
His impact is felt on the Mohigans’ roster, with 96 kids signing up during the three-week workout period, including more than 30 freshmen.

“This will be the first time I’ve had a full freshman team in probably about six years,” said Biser, who was also the head coach at Keyser and Hampshire. “That’s great, because you can take those kids and let them grow together rather than just letting them get lost in the mix of things.”

Expectations? Not quite yet, but Biser said his first impression of his players has been positive.

“Way too early,” Biser said. “We’re still learning some of the kids’ names. People may think, ‘Well, you’re just going to be a running team or you’re only going to do a certain thing,’ but I think we’ll find what we do well and we’ll go with that. If we have to pass it every down, we could do that, too.

“What I will say is these kids are hungry. They’ve been very coachable and very receptive to what we’re trying to accomplish. It’s really been a good deal so far.”

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