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A look back at the 1918 flu pandemic

The 2019 annual of Proceedings and Papers, the Monongalia Historical Society journal that features Jessica Eichlin’s paper on the 1918 flu pandemic in Morgantown, is available for sale.
Cost is $7 by mail or $5 if picked up, personally.
Orders may be placed by calling 304-594-2290, or by sending a check to the Monongalia Historical Society, P.O. Box 127, Morgantown, WV 26507-0127.
The 63-page, illustrated publication also features works by Eichlin’s fellow WVU students Elizabeth Satterfield and Andrew T. Linderman, and Rebecca Snyder Bromley, a retired judge in Colorado whose family in West Virginia dates back to the Revolution.
Satterfield’s paper is titled, “Living and Learning on Listravia: A History of Sabraton and its School: 1909-2019.”
“Elmer W. Prince and the Morgantown Airport: Envisioning and Engineering a Better Future,” is the title of Linderman’s work.
Bromley explores her Colonial roots in the region with her contribution, “Mount Tabor 1788-2018: Fort, Church, Cemetery, and Community.”
Eichlin, Linderman and Satterfield are sharing the inaugural Dr. Kenneth Carvell Award, named in honor of the retired WVU professor and longtime friend of the historical society.
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