Letters, Letters to the Editor, Opinion

April 14 letters to the editor

Solar eclipse brought us all together

I saw something heartening Monday. It’s unfortunately been lacking for a while in our community, and I’ve been guilty of it, too. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a long hangover, particularly among health care workers and public health practitioners. We are only just now getting ourselves back to fully normal for the ones of us who can. There is no doubt that we have been polarized and isolated and unnecessarily rude to one another following the most significant disruption in our lives.

Monday, we came together and went outdoors. We were all inspired and awe-struck and, at J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital, we passed paper glasses around and talked about the majesty of the celestial bodies spinning around in space and how clouds work and listened to cheesy 1980s music as a community.

I’d like to think the eclipse that fascinated and inspired us all to go outside and be joined together in a common activity can inspire us to continue to join together in community fellowship somehow moving forward. As West Virginians, we know how to be good neighbors and Monday was a good example of it.

Scott Laney

In support of Shawn Smith for Mon BOE

I stand in support of Shawn Smith to become a member of the Monongalia County Board of Education. As a committed community volunteer and church member, he cares about others. Shawn will be a true asset to the Mon County Board of Education and will bring positive energy to this board as it faces challenges.

Charlene Jennings Marshall

Shawn Smith excellent choice for Mon BOE

Having read The Dominion Post’s April 7 editorial, we concur that Shawn Smith would serve our community well as a new member of the Monongalia County Board of Education.

We have known Shawn for several years. He is a man of good character and integrity with family values. He and his wife, Brandy, have two daughters in our local schools, giving them a vested interest in improving education for current and future generations.

Shawn will put the best interests of our students first in his decision making. He will be a voice for parents and will work to equip our teachers and staff with what they need to do their jobs.

This is Shawn’s first attempt at public office, so he brings a fresh approach to leadership based simply on doing what is right. We find this appealing.

We encourage you to join us in voting for Shawn Smith in the May 14 election for Monongalia County Board of Education.

Bill and Cindy Nevin