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House passes ‘In God We Trust’ bill, making display of national motto mandatory in schools

Delegates passed a bill requiring “In God We Trust,” the national motto, to be displayed in school buildings.

The bill passed on an 86-10 vote.

Senate Bill 152 would require display in a conspicuous place in West Virginia schools a durable poster or framed copy of the United States national motto, “In God We Trust.”
The House altered the bill somewhat from its original structure in the Senate, so it will go back for senators to agree or disagree with what the House did.

Delegate Shawn Fluharty, D-Ohio, asked how much the cost will be. “Do we know how many schools this will impact?” Fluharty asked.

“I do not know,” said House Judiciary Chairman Tom Fast, R-Fayette.

Fluharty followed up by asking, “How much taxpayer funding are we going to spend on that?“
“Don’t know,” said Fast, who noted that the signs could be donated.

Delegate Joey Garcia, D-Marion, wanted to know how schools would be informed of the responsibility to post the signs.

“It would be as any other piece of legislation that is passed. It would involve the education systems scouring the codes and they are provided information as any agency would as to a code that would affect those institutions,” Fast responded.

“Is there any penalty for non-compliance?” Garcia asked.

“It does not say so,” Fast said. “It just makes it a mandate.”