Cops and Courts, Latest News

Repairs to sheriff’s offices moving along

KINGWOOD — Work is ongoing at the Preston County Sheriff’s Department, according to Joe LaRue, county facility manager.

LaRue updated commissioners on repairs to the damage done by a December water line break that sent 700,000 gallons of water through the building.

“About 75% of the electrical work on the first floor is complete. We moved the electricians to the basement to complete that job so the other workers can finish the basement walls,” he said.

The maintenance staff plumbed about 40% of the building and recommended they complete the job.

“It will save the commission about $20,000 and we can complete the plumbing this week,” he said.

In other business, commissioners approved a request from Robert DeRiggi, chairman of Kingwood Water Works, to use the $252,000 in ARPA grant funds to cover soft costs instead of clarifier covers.

In his written request, DeRiggi said since the ARPA funds were awarded, Kingwood Water Works learned its application for Congressionally Direct Spending (COS) grant funds for the WISDOM Project was approved.

The WISDOM Project is a $5,510,000 project that consists of construction of a new intermediate tank, construction of a new water treatment plant intake, improvements to the Pleasantdale water system, Camp Dawson improvements, including replacement of the tank, PRV and telemetry, and construction of the clarifier covers.

DeRiggi said funding that has been awarded for the project includes: $4,000,000 CDS grant, $1,000,000 Governor’s Matching Grant, $252,000 Preston County Commission ARPA grant and a $258,000 Kingwood Water Works contribution.

According to DeRiggi, soft costs could include engineering, legal, accounting, permits, legal ads and land and rights-of-way. He said the clarifiers will be paid for with funds from other grants.

A Blue Star Memorial sign purchased by the Cranberry Garden Club will be one of several to be placed on the Price Street side of the courthouse lawn. Commissioners approved the placement of the sign during their Tuesday meeting.

LaRue said the Prices Tavern sign will be placed on the lawn prior to the Buckwheat Festival. The Blue Star Memorial sign will be placed near it once it is received.

Commissioners approved $3,000 in funding for the Tucker Community Foundation Run For It project, and went into executive session twice to discuss personnel.

The next meeting of the Preston County Commission will be at 9:30 a.m. Monday.