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Buckwheat goes green: Recycling bins will be placed on festival grounds

KINGWOOD — Recycling at the Buckwheat Festival was among the topics discussed at the Wednesday evening meeting of the Preston County Solid Waste Authority.

Don Smith, board president of the SWA, said recycling bins for aluminum and plastic, as well as trash cans, will be placed on the Buckwheat Festival grounds this year to collect recyclables.

He said there will be three-bin units available for public use located in different areas around the grounds. Smith said two will be located at the community building, one in front of the building and one along the side.

Another set of bins will be located at the ticket building, two at the crafts building, one at the cow palace and one at the beer tent.

Smith said the Kingwood Rotary Club will replace the full bags with new garbage bags daily. SWA members voted to purchase the heavy-duty bags needed for the bins.

The August e-cycling event held at the old Preston Memorial Hospital site was also discussed.

Smith said the number of CRT’s dropped off then was about the same as at the last event.

Smith said there were 3,429 pounds of flat screen TVs; 6,098 pounds of mixed electronics; 2,016 pounds of printers; 1,467 pounds of PCs; 399 laptops; and 925 pounds of LCD monitors. The full haul totaled 14,344 pounds and filled 32 skids.

This didn’t include the CRT’s that were collected and taken to the landfill. CRTs collected consisted of 64 units, or two trailer loads, weighing 3,740 pounds.

The next meeting of the Preston County Solid Waste Authority will be at 7 p.m. Oct. 4.