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LISTEN:Haunted History Month – Jason Burns

In honor of the Halloween season, the Dominion Post and the Aull Center are proud to bring you a special audio piece of a spooky story.

What follows is a transcript of the audio piece.

NARRATOR: From the Dominion Post and the Aull Center in Morgantown, West Virginia, this is Haunted History Month. I’m your host, Chris Schulz.

Our friends at the Aull Center are presenting Haunted History Month, a series of events related to all things, spooky, spectral and mysterious for Morgantown and West Virginia history. The Dominion Post is proud to be partnering with the Aull center to bring you the scariest of these local stories. I invite you to join me on this terrifying trip.

Haunted History Month is starting to wind down, but we’ve still got a few shows left for you. If you’ve enjoyed Haunted History Month, the Dominion Post is launching more podcasts and audio shows in just a few months at the start of 2020, including all new content and local history from the Aull center.

With Halloween just a few days away, the Aull center is bringing you Jason Burns, West Virginia ghost storyteller extraordinaire. He finds ghost stories around every corner and spirits behind every door. He is an inexhaustible font of knowledge when it comes to ghost, monsters and witches in Morgantown and all across West Virginia. When I sat down with him to talk about his upcoming presentation at the Aull center, he absolutely blew me away with the sheer number of ghosts that are part of our community as well as his insight into the role ghost stories play in our culture and history.

CHRIS: So do you think that ghost stories tell us anything about ourselves or point towards something in our society, you know, do you see any type of pattern or

JASON: Oh, definitely, definitely. I also have a Master’s in sociology, so I, you know, I see a lot of social history, a lot of socio sociological elements in ghost stories. I mean, ghost stories are history in a way.

Uh, I, the stories I tell actually are all tied to either historical events, historical people or places that have a certain history to them. So, um, I would never just tell, you know, the ghost story of the house along the river without telling you which river it was, which house it was, who lived there.

You know, I, I build my stories from the ground up, basically finding out who the ghost was, what they did in their life, and you know, what event caused the story to, you know, come out of it. So there’s a, there’s a lot of things that you can learn from a ghost story.

CHRIS: West Virginia does honor and reference those stories a little bit more than other places that I have been to. So what is it about this place that lends itself to really latching to these stories?

JASON: Well, West Virginia is, uh, an Appalachian place. We are Appalachia. I mean, we’re as much Appalachia as we are West Virginia.

CHRIS: It’s the only state that is wholly within the Appalachian range.

JASON: Wholly within Appalachia. Yeah, there’s Appalachia as part of 13 States, but West Virginia is the only state that is completely within the Appalachian cultural region. And I think anywhere you go where there is a strong Appalachian culture, whether it be West Virginia, Kentucky, southwestern Pennsylvania, you know, you’re going to find that ghost stories figure prominently because it’s just part of the culture, you know, death, dying, reverence for the dead, you know, all the customs that we have around that really feed into uh ghost stories.

And I think it also speaks to the culture using storytelling in general to teach people how to be good people or how you are a bad person. Um, I, I grew up, you know, my parents were not, uh, strict, you know, they weren’t physically, physically abusive or anything like that. They weren’t spanking me. But, um, when they wanted to correct me, they’d be like, well, you don’t want to be like so and so. You know, you don’t want to be that person. And you know, you remember when they did this, you don’t want to be seen like that because you know, that’s not what you want to grow up to be like, do you?

So, you know, storytelling is a great way of teaching you how to be a good human being. It’s also a great way to, to explain why you should or shouldn’t do something. Cautionary tales are, are great, uh, element in storytelling itself. And, um, it’s like, why don’t you grab ahold of the, uh, fire poker after it’s been in the woodstove? You know, it was because you’re gonna burn yourself. Don’t do that. Why don’t you go out after dark because the, you know, you’ll get attacked by the panther or the black bear is gonna eat you, you know, don’t, uh, don’t drink that water because it’s been sitting, you know, for so long that you’ll get sick.

You know, and it’s, it’s things like that that were survival tactics. You know, back before we had a lot of, uh, communication with the outside world here in the mountains. You know, that’s the way we survived was we told stories to, you know, where, where the good food was, how to hunt, how to do basic household things, how to make apple butter, for example.

CHRIS: The passing down of, of important information.

JASON: Exactly, exactly. I mean if you’re doing, like I said with the customs, I mean, how did you tell someone how to, what you did at a wedding or what you did at a funeral without having anything written down? It was all oral. You know, a lot of people were illiterate back in the day. Um, not that they were ignorant, they just didn’t have anything written down so they passed it on orally to their children.

You know, this is how you, you know, pick the tree, the right tree to cut down. This is how you build a house. This is how you, you know, can food for the winter, you can make a quilt. You know, it’s, it’s, it’s, it was survival.

CHRIS: You are actually presenting a handful of these stories at the Aull Center on October 28th at 7:00 PM. What can people expect from that presentation?

JASON: It’s going to be an explanation, uh, or basically a presentation of ghost stories and why they’re important and why they’re, why they’re important to us as a West Virginians and Appalachians in general. And then I’m going to do a couple of performances of stories that are specific to Morgantown and the surrounding area.

And then I’ll just, you know, take some questions and discuss with the audience whatever they want to learn about. Because, um, whenever I give a performance, usually I, I, I do do the presentation and the performance and then afterwards I usually schedule at least an half hour to an hour for people to talk because even when, as I’m leaving, we have that West Virginia goodbye, you know, where you’re talking to people, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, and then, you know, the conversation just keeps going.

And so I, I always have a lot of time scheduled to just kinda hang out and talk to people because not only because it’s just good manners, but because it’s also a good way to get other stories or more information. Um, I’ve given performances at places and people have come up to me and said, uh, you kinda miss this part of the story, or did you know this part of the story or something similar happened to me only in this town, you know, or where I grew up here. And that’s the way to get a good bunch of information for a future story, a future presentation. So, you know, yeah.

CHRIS: Yeah and that’s such an interesting part of specifically the oral history is you get the variations between regions in between families. Um, so have you ever had that where someone’s like, Oh, that’s, you know, that’s a different telling from the way my granddad told it to me, or something along those lines.

JASON: Yes, I have. I have had that. I’ve, I’ve actually watched people sit in my audience and I’ve, I, I didn’t know that they were there for the specific reason, but they’ll be there to make sure that I’m not messing up the story and they’ll sit there and listen to me tell and you could just see them, you know, their, their, their, you know, their stance or theirs as they’re sitting. They’ll, you know, they’ll fidget a little bit and every, every time you say it. And then they’ll be like, ‘Yep, okay he got it. He got it.’ And at the end of the story they’d be like, ‘Okay, you got it right.’ You know, just, or you know, they’ll say, ‘Mm, you missed this part.’ Um, or they’ll tell you something completely out of the blue that you did not expect and it confirms the story for you even more.

Um, one example of that is I tell the story about the ghost in the Wise library at the downtown library at the university. And the ghost in the library, um, he died during the construction of the elevator shaft, the, the stacks in the back of the building. And when I was doing this was on a ghost tour, the walking ghost tour I was doing of campus. And at the end of the ghost tour, the, this couple came up to me who were about my age. And, um, they, they told me, uh, that they had, uh, they found it really interesting and they said that they knew the widow of the guy who had fallen down the elevator shaft and that she had probably would have been on the tour with them if she hadn’t passed away herself the year before, you know, and they are like, and then they were confirming my story to me.

They were like, she told that story her whole life about her, how her husband fell and how she had never remarried and all, you know, all, all of her feelings about it. And I was like, Oh my gosh, this guy was real, you know, it was a real, a real thing. And so it’s just confirmed for me the story. And that’s really interesting.

CHRIS: So that’s, that’s something that, that you’ve, that you’ve now mentioned more than once, is this idea that you kind of enjoy confirming and going back and finding evidence and credence for some of these stories. It kind of draws me to this question. Are you a believer? In as much as the stories that you cannot confirm, how much credence do you give to those?

JASON: Well, okay, um, have I had things happen to me in my life that I can’t explain and that most people would say we’re ghosts or monsters or whatever? Yes. Um, have, I try, have I done this partially to try to understand what those things were? Yes.

That is definitely part of the reason that I am so interested in these things. Um, I, I don’t know that I believe in every story that I hear frankly because some of them are obviously fake, obviously fake. Um, some of them are made up, some of them have been retold from another. Like I read books constantly. That’s my thing. And some of the stories that I’ve read, people will try to tell me as a ghost story from their hometown. And I’m like, no, that’s a story from this book. And I can tell you where you found it.

But you know, I’m not, I’m not a bad person when it comes to that. Like I don’t tell people, ‘No, that’s not your story.’ I just smile and nod and thank them and you know, just be like, ‘Yeah, that was a great story. Thank you for telling me.’.

Even if see I’m a, I’m a scientist by, by training. So I mean I’m a sociology, you know, and, and I’m an educator, so I’m a higher ed leadership and, um, I’m also a journalist. So with me, it’s one of those things where I have to have facts to build on. So that I think that’s why I go back to ghost stories that I can tie to a place or an event, you know. Like the Battle of Droop Mountain, tons of ghost stories came out of that battle. And that’s in Pocahontas County. I, I do believe. If I’m wrong, don’t hate me.

 Um, but you know, there’s, uh, that that’s important to me. And also as an educator, I want to be able to say, um, yeah, you can use this story to tell about this battle or this person like Elizabeth Moore. You can talk about her and talk about how, uh, you know, the women’s rights movement went through West Virginia and you add her as a figurehead, you know, or Matt and Bailey or someone like that.

But I think that, you know, adding credence to the stories that I don’t know, I have an open mind. Honestly, I have heard some of these strangest stories that I could not believe were actual stories and they keep getting told by people and. The thing is if I hear it from more than one person or from more than one area, and I’m like, okay, this has some credence to it, I’ll be more likely to believe it then if just one person tells me the story, but I don’t ever give up on a story.

Like if someone tells me there’s a ghost that haunts this house in Moorefield West Virginia and it’s a, the ghost of a baby that was murdered by, you know, the slave owner who, you know, his daughter had an affair with the slave and they killed the child that was a result of that affair. And I’ll be like, okay, well that, that sounds awful, but I look into the story whether or not I believe it or not. And that actually is a true story. I mean, I heard that from my mother who grew up around there and I heard, I’ve read about it all over the internet and I found it in books and I found that in newspaper clippings. So it’s like, Holy cow, you know, the I and you know, and that’s a story to talk about, you know, um, the civil war, you know, about slavery, about, you know, human rights, you can put all of that in there.

So it’s, you know, it’s just, I come out from different angles and it’s just how it works.

CHRIS: Something that you mentioned to us, you know, as a collector of stories and, and a lover of books, we actually apparently have quite a few ghosts here in Morgan town.

JASON: Yes, a lot.

CHRIS: And one of the ones that you mentioned to me was, um, that ghost of the Morgantown library. Can you tell me a little bit more about, um, that ghost or those ghosts?

JASON: I will, I will attempt, I heard the story from one of the librarians who worked there and, uh, they told me that the building that’s there now was, uh, a replacement for a house that was on the site and the house was actually owned by two sisters who were spinsters they, you know, they never married. And they, when they died, uh, they, they basically, from what I understood, they, uh, they willed the building to become the space for the town library.

And now the, the ghosts that haunt the building are said to be the two sisters walking through the building. And, uh, they’re pretty happy ghosts. They will help, you know, move books around and, you know, put things away. And, uh, so yeah, that’s, that’s basically the bones of the story, um, as a storyteller will say at the, you have the bones of the story of what you build on. Uh, I haven’t had much time to build on that story, but it’s probably should be something that I should be working on because since I live in Morgantown now that it’s kind of like my, my base. So, um, I like to build on those stories more.

CHRIS: And you also mentioned earlier, a ghost that just walks High Street. Can you tell me a little bit more about that one?

JASON: There’s actually more than one that just walks High Street and they, the ghosts that walk high street are, uh, from the Jones–Imboden Raid Imboden Raid on Morgantown, which was a, a raid done by the Confederacy in 18- April of 1863 that, uh, the Confederacy did into Morgantown and they wanted to terrorize the population. And you know, they were stealing horses and food and things like that. But during this raid, uh, some of the people, townspeople, uh, tried to, um, defend the city from these, you know, thousand-so soldiers who, who were coming into town. They were killed, two of them were shot, you know, obviously they didn’t stand much of a chance. Um, one of them played dead, um, and pretended that he had been shot. He just kinda laid there and you know, and afterwards, you know, it was all very, he goes, you know, he was safe.

But the, the one guy fellow’s grave is actually in the cemetery at the far end of South High Street. And you can see, you know, on his tombstone, I think it actually even says, you know, James Beal murdered in you know, the Confederate incursion into Morgantown. Their ghosts are the ones who walk High Street. And the legend about it is that, the reason they walk High Street is that they are still protecting Morgantown.

You know, they’re the guardians or the city in whatever way you want to take that. They’re still guarding Morgan town’s. So people will, you know, bump into them. You know, these fellows are just walking the streets of, of Morgantown and uh, they, the fellow’s little sometimes talk to them, they’ll sometimes look at them and disappear. You know, they’ll go around a corner and vanish. You’ll never see them again. And uh, it’s, it’s just a spooky, spooky story. But I think it’s kinda neat that we actually have guardian spirits of Morgantown.

CHRIS: Yeah. I think that’s interesting, especially considering that you mentioned the kind of benevolent happy spirits of the library. I think in popular culture we have this tendency to associate ghosts with negativity and malevolence, both of the examples that you’ve given just now are quite the opposite. Um, quite helpful and a nice ghosts.

As far as a WVU goes, you have actually been doing a short project with, um, the DA, the newspaper on campus, um, kind of cataloging some of the campus’s ghosts. As you said, pretty much every building on – now when you say every building on campus, you’re referring specifically to downtown, right? Or do you have newer buildings also?

JASON: No, there, there’s definitely, I mean the Mountain Lair is not new new, but it was built in ’68 and it has a ghost in it. Um, that is from, from a previous building that was there. Uh, there are ghosts on the Evansdale campus as well. There’s, there’s one than, there’s one in the Creative Arts Center. There’s one in, uh, the Arboretum.

CHRIS: There’s a ghost in the forest?

JASON: Yes, yes. There’s a ghost in the forest. I actually, it’s still a very sad story. Um, it was actually the result of a murder. So, um, yeah, that’s the reason the woman walks in the Arboretum.

Fieldcrest Hall, which is no longer a hall, but you Fieldcrest Hall was a dormitory briefly, but it was a hospital and then it was a, a senior citizen home and then it was a dormitory. And when it was a dormitory, um, I spoke to some of the RAs who worked there and, uh, they were telling me stories about how, you know, they would hear gurneys come off the elevator and things like that. And it was very spooky.

 There is a haunted cemetery on West Run Road that’s, um, very, very, very scary. I went there at six o’clock in the evening and the sun was bright and I was still terrified. It’s, it’s, uh, the pauper cemetery, the poor cemetery.

So there, there are ghosts further, further on into Morgantown. I mean, I just know the university ones the most because those are the ones you hear the most from people in town, you know. And some of them were pretty insane. Some of the stories are pretty weird.

The ghost cow in Woodburn Hall. That’s, that’s pretty, that’s one of the stories I heard and I’m like, there’s no way that story is true. But the more research I did, the more I found out that the incident that allegedly created the ghost cow, uh, actually happened. And it’s just one of those things, it was mind boggling, but it just goes to true tell you that truth is stranger than fiction because you cannot make some of this stuff up. You really can’t.

CHRIS: Can you, can you give us the bones of that story?

JASON: Basically, a group of students took a cow from the university farm, the WVU farm, which was much closer to the downtown campus than it is now. And uh, they took it up into the newly created, newly built, uh, Woodburn Hall clock tower. Uh, this was about 1914-15, I think is when it was finished. And when they got the cow up there, uh, they, you know, just left it as a prank and the cow was up there for a few days and they, you know, the people to university couldn’t figure out how to get the cow out of the tower.

CHRIS: Because cows famously can go upstairs but not down.

JASON: Not down because their hips do not move that way. Yeah. So they had to go up and actually killed the cow.

CHRIS: Oh my God.

JASON: That’s why its ghost is in the clock tower. When I tell the story, I usually say they went up and killed the cow and then they brought the pieces down and had a barbecue. But that’s not true.

CHRIS: In Woodburn Circle?

Yeah. Yeah. That’s not true though. That’s just something that I made up. So, you know, you’d never let truth get in the way of a good story. I’ve also learned that very well.

CHRIS: So a couple of these stories have been recorded. Um, can you tell us what the name of that show is going to be for the, the DA’s, podcast?

JASON: It’s just, uh, The Haunted Halls of WVU.

CHRIS: There you go.

JASON: And you can find it on thedaonline.com.

CHRIS: Fantastic. Yeah. You also mentioned a Morgantown vampire?

JASON: Yes, yes. The Morgantown vampire, kind of a let down of a story, actually. I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna not going to work it up too much for you, but, uh, when I heard the story I was like, Oh my gosh, there’s a vampire. And then I realized that it was.

Basically what happened is a grave opened in one of the cemeteries in town. It opened on its own and the coffin just kind of popped up out of the ground. And when they opened the coffin, they found that the body had not been, uh, it had not deteriorated. It was still the same. And um, after that, you know, there, there started all these rumors. Well, the reason it didn’t deteriorate is because it was a vampire and it’s, you know, sucking blood from people and animals and things like that.

And it really wasn’t that big of a deal when it first happened because it happened, I think, I don’t know, the 60s or 70s, maybe the 80s, but then there was this whole mass hysteria that followed that where people were talking about the vampire and there were some people who were literally going to the cemetery and having rituals and things around the grave. And it was, it was incredibly insane. But the, the, the whole thing about it was, you know, maybe this is telling us something about ourselves, you know, trying to understand why this grave opened. And, you know, it maybe it was methane that just, you know, pushed to the body out. You know, maybe it was just whatever it was sealed too tightly or maybe the ground receded. Maybe it slid. But yeah, the, the Morgantown vampire.

There was some paranormal aspects to it because the mother of the person was still alive in a, in a rest home. And, um, she started having, you know, things move around in her room and she was saying, ‘That’s my child that, you know, his grave opened.’ And, you know, it was, that was why he had come to, come to see her one last time. And um, so there was that part of the story too.

But the, you know, the whole, um, mass hysteria, I think that came out of that was a little weird. I mean, it was a little, uh, odd to me that they would just latch onto a story like that, you know, and just one thing happens, but it just goes to show you how the human mind you have works. You know, we tried to figure out why did this grave open. You know, that doesn’t happen every day. So who knows. But I think the important, another important thing to take away from ghost stories, you cannot have a ghost story without a death.

CHRIS: Really.

JASON: You cannot, it’s not possible. I mean,

CHRIS: Well I guess you can’t really become a ghost without.

JASON: Right. Every ghost was a person.

CHRIS: Or a cow.

JASON: Or a cow. You know, it was a life. You know, there are, there are certain parts, some certain parts of the ghost story world lore that, you know, they were never a living being. It was a Revenant or it was a, you know, something left over from primordial history, you know, like the Grendel in, Beowulf, you know, it’s not really a person. It’s not really a demon. It’s not really a ghost. It’s something, but.

CHRIS: It’s an entity.

JASON: Yeah. So there are those ghost stories. But what the point I’m trying to make is if you’re telling a ghost story about a person a who is, who was literally a person, like, you know, uh, the guy who, the guy who was killed on Dorsey’s Knob or the, the guy who was shot on high street, um, or you know, the grave that opened up, these were people.

And I think people need to respect the fact that they were people and not try to make their afterlife, you know, hell. You know, be respectful if you’re telling a ghost story. And that’s what I try to do too, is I don’t try to make the story into something that’s not just for effect. That’s why I tie it to history. It’s to say, you know, this was actually a person who lived, a person who had emotions like everyone else who you know, lived their life as best they could while they did. And this person was just like you and this is what you can learn from their story and they’re a ghosts now. So that should make it interesting for you.

CHRIS: I mean I’m, I’m already there. I’m already very interested. Um, I’m curious to know, can you identify a location either on campus or in town that you would consider to be like the most haunted? Um, you mentioned the pauper’s cemetery as being a, a place that had a particularly intense aura.

JASON: Yeah, I would say if you had to pick a building at WVU, it would be E. Moore Hall.

CHRIS: And why is that?

JASON: Elizabeth Moore Hall. Because Elizabeth still haunts the building. She, she lived, she didn’t live there. She worked to bring that building to campus for the women of the university. And um, when it was completed, she passed away pretty much the year it was completed, but she knew it was happening and now her ghost just haunts the building. And so many people have seen it for the better part of a hundred years. You know, most people have some story or they’ve heard some story about her. The interesting thing about Elizabeth though is that she pretty much only ever shows herself to women, very rarely to men. And usually if she shows herself to a man, it’s when they are in the company of a woman. So it’s, you know, there’s, it’s the gender thing there.

But if you wanted to talk about a place people could access easily, Dorsey’s Knob has a ghost, which is quite not the happy little Casper spirit that I’ve been talking about because there are, there are stories that I’ve heard that have really malevolent ghosts or really scary ghost, you know, bloody figures.

Back when Morgantown was a fort city, when it was just Fort Coburn and Fort Kern and there wasn’t really a town town to speak of. This would have been in the French and Indian war era. This would have been a, there was a group traveling from one fort to the other and they were attacked. And the natives that attack them, um, shot one man off of his horse and killed him. And then the other guy, he just got shot through the leg and he was, he was, you know, disabled, pretty much.

The rest of the people in the party escaped and went back to the fort that they were coming from. Well the natives took the guy who had survived and they took him up to the top of Dorsey’s Knob and they tied him to some stakes and they scalped him pretty much from the top of his head and removed a lot of the skin from his face and his neck. And um, he pretty much bled to death on top of Dorsey’s Knob in the sight of these people cause they were able to see from the fort to what the people, the natives were doing. And now the man’s ghost walks around Dorsey’s Knob looking for a skin to put on his own face. Because when you, when he appears, he is what is referred to as the Redheaded Man. And it’s not because he’s a ginger, it’s literally because he’s bloody all over and he, uh, tries to take the skin off of your face and put on his own.

CHRIS: Oh my God.

JASON: But you know, the way you can avoid him is if you take two sticks and you tie them together in a sort of a cross kind of a thing. And if you put that in your pocket or on your windshield of your car, um, he is said to not bother you because the sticks tied together, remind him of the stakes that he was tied to and scalped. And so he won’t bother you cause he’ll think that you’ll do it to him again. So that’s not a happy little Casper ghost story. That’s uh, that’s definitely some gore there for you.

CHRIS: Amazing. Oh my goodness. So is there anything, any parting thoughts or, um, any, any last story that you want to share with us?

JASON: A last story. Let me see.

I mean we’ve all seen, if you’ve driven through campus, you’ve seen that they’re tearing down Stansbury Hall and it’s pretty much gone now. This is the old field house. And um, there, there, there was a ghost in that building on the third floor that a lot of people saw. And uh, there was one, uh, one particular day that it was really active.

This one, uh, secretary was the first person into the department in the morning and she noticed that all the lights in the hallway were off. And most of the time some of them were on, but the light switch was at the far end of the hall. So she had to take her cell phone and use the flashlight to see, to get to the light switch. And halfway down the hallway she heard someone behind her call her name and she turned around and no one was there.

So she ran to light switch, turned the light switch on, sat in her office, and then one of her coworkers came in and goes into the cubicle. In the cubicle across from him, there is a black figure standing in the the cubicle and he just out of the corner of his eye thinks that it’s his coworkers. So he’s like, Hey, you know, good morning, you know, and then goes to sit down but then turns around and realizes that the figure isn’t there in the cubicle anymore. And so he walks out in the hallway, there’s no one here walks on down the hall and no one else was there except for the secretary who’s at the end of the hall.

He told her what happened and she’s like, she’s gets goosebumps and tells him what happened to her. The figure, the voice that she heard that morning.

As the day went on, the people at the other end of the hallway in another department saw this fellow in a long black coat and uh, carrying a bowler hat, run down the hallway past all of their offices into the meeting room, which was at the time being used for storage. So there was nothing in there but boxes.

 They went to the meeting room and there’s no one there. So they just started seeing this, this ghost walk around Stansbury forever. And it happened over and over I think three or four weeks that they kept seeing this figure and they just started referring to it as Mr. Stansbury cause they didn’t know who it was.

So now I wonder where that ghost is going. If you know when the new B&E building gets built in its place, if you know Mr Stansbury, we’ll be haunting the third floor of that building like he was before because it seems to be WVU’s lot to, you know, trade ghosts from building to building.

CHRIS: So it’s, it’s not about the structure but more about the land.

JASON: More about the location. Yeah. Yeah. With that, I mean I thought that was an interesting story and especially it’s, I think it’s a good way to, to end it considering, you know, Standsbury’s no longer with us.

That’s very true. Onward and upward to new things with old friends. Bring along the party.

CHRIS: Well, once again, you can catch Jason and some more ghost stories on Monday, October 28th at the Aull Center. Jason, thanks so much for stopping by.

JASON: You’re welcome. You’re welcome.

NARRATOR: For more Morgantown ghost stories, be sure to check out Jason Burns on Monday, October 28th at 7:00 PM at the Aull Center. For more information about other Haunted History Month events at the Aull center, be sure to check them out on Facebook At facebook.com/aullcenter, that’s A U L L center with no spaces. Special thanks this week to Jason Burns.

Music this week is from filmmusic.io. The songs “Lightless Dawn” and “Ghost Processional” are both by Kevin MacLeod and used here under the Creative Commons license.

If you’ve enjoyed Haunted History Month, the Dominion Post is launching more podcasts and audio shows in just a few months at the start of 2020, including all new content and local history from the Aull Center. That’s all for this week’s episode. Thanks for listening.

This has been Haunted History Month brought to you by the Dominion Post and the Aull Center in Morgantown, West Virginia.