Government, Latest News, Reedsville Coucil

Reedsville fills vacant council seat

REEDSVILLE – Council has named Gregg Burke to replace council member James Wagner.

Wagner, who served the town of Reedsville for 26 years, retired this month and is moving to Myrtle Beach. Wagner served as a councilman, as recorder and as mayor.

The decision was made Monday after an executive session by council to discuss filling the spot. Councilwoman Britney Titus said

Prosecuting Attorney Melvin Snyder said Tuesday that discussing filling a vacancy on council is a personnel matter that can be discussed during an executive session. He said the decision to choose a person to fill the position must be made and voted on in public.

In other actions, Councilwoman Renee Stone asked if a letter was sent to the home at Valley and West Street? At the Sept. 9 council meeting, Stone said she had received several complaints about tires, wood and junk on the property. She was told that town police office Paul Rowan hand delivered a letter to the homeowner.

Speed limit signs were placed on Valley Street, according to Mayor Jason Titus. The signs limit traffic to 15 mph on the street.

Council is accepting bids for storm sewer repair and replacement on Park and Clark Streets. Titus said the town wants to replace culverts and drop boxes in that area.

Titus said the town has received two applications for city workers. Applications will continue to be accepted. Titus told council one of the applicants worked for North America Drilling and the other was previously employed as a mechanic for Jennmar.

The next meeting of the Reedsville Council will be 6:30 p.m. Oct. 8.