Letters to the Editor

July 15 letters to the editor

Emergency need
for blood donors now
Summer can be a busy time full of fun activities and vacations, but the need for lifesaving blood transfusions never stops. In fact, every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood.

The American Red Cross is facing an emergency need for blood and urges eligible donors of all blood types to give as soon as possible to help avoid delays in lifesaving medical care for patients this summer. This follows a difficult Fourth of July week, where donors were less available to give and hundreds of fewer blood drives were held compared to an average week as people celebrated the holiday. There is less than a three-day supply of most blood types on hand.

On behalf of the Red Cross, I’m inviting you to roll up a sleeve and give the gift of life.

Regina E. Boothe Bratton
American Red Cross
Baltimore, Md.

Shops’ policies only lend
themselves to thefts
Auto accidents occur unexpectedly. When they do, we must decide which auto repair shop we will select to do the repairing.
I had an accident recently and made my shop selection. The car was to be ready in two day, so I left my “personal items” there. The two days stretched into two weeks. The repair was completed on a Friday.
On a Saturday evening, I decided to eat at a restaurant. When I reached for my gift certificates, they were not there.
I visited the repair shop Monday with a list of the restaurant gift certificates that were taken. A total of $200 worth were gone.
I was told the shop’s policy was that it was not responsible for missing personal items. The policy is on display.
I made the point that the policy encouraged theft. Employees are notified of the policy. Some may then feel they can take anything left in the car with no repercussions, because the establishment is not responsible for items taken. That left me with a loss of $200 worth of gift certificates.
Whenever an auto is left at an auto repair shop, be sure to remove all personal items, because they may come up “missing” as mine did. Such policies as the one cited above is a major contributing factor.
Pat Julius