Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor March 28

House divided against
itself cannot stand

Some people think because they live in a Christian nation that they are automatically a Christian.

How surprised they will be when they find out that as individuals they will have to make a decision to be a Christian.

Being a Christian is personal and in order to become a Christian you must accept Christ as your  savior and then become Christ-like. Being Christ-like means to be like Christ, to accept Christ and act like Christ, so when people think that they are a Christian just because they live in a Christian nation they have been deceived and are not a Christian at all.

I would never have written this letter before, but because I now know that I have the freedom to express myself with my speech and I have the freedom of religion, I know that I can write the way I feel and believe.

I love my God, and I love my country. Jesus loves us all even though we have rebelled against Him in every way.

I am 78 years old and with those years comes wisdom and knowledge. There has been a lot of presidents come and go, but I honestly believe that we now have a president that really cares for our country.

I remember the first sign I ever saw as a kid and that was “SAFETY FIRST.” We need borders around our country. If we had a truckload of $100 bills and weren’t safe to go out and spend them, what good are they?

We have a very divided nation. Seems we cannot agree on anything. God has a word for that also. He said a house divided against itself cannot stand, (divorces). He also said a nation divided against itself cannot stand and some of us just don’t care as long as we have our way.
Jesus Christ died for all, even the ones that killed him.

President  Trump is fighting for all, even the ones on both sides that fought against him.

Trump spoke for me and still does. I pray for God’s continued blessings on America and on President Trump and his family.
Stanley “Buck” Moon

Hard sayings aimed at
forgiveness and love
“Love your enemies.”
“Pray for your persecutors.”
“Forgive 70 x 7” in others words, always.

These are sayings of Jesus people often have trouble incorporating into their lives. Rabbi Gellman, in his column on Sunday (in The Dominion Post), said he has “deep problems” with the first of these teachings. In his column, he emphasized two things: the righteous of all religions will find their way to a future life and in this world, we must call out evil for what it is.
His problem with the “love your enemies” teaching was a minor point he said he’d been discussing in his columns. I’m sorry I missed previous ones.

It wasn’t until I studied psychology that I gained some insight into those “hard” sayings of Jesus. From it and from my own self-knowledge, I’ve concluded that everyone (except maybe a saint or two I’ve yet to meet) is capable of some evil, if only seemingly innocuous but hurtful thoughts.
A mass murderer I will never be, but I am capable of evil, when I allow myself to harbor thoughts of vengeance and revenge against someone whom I perceive has harmed me or one whom I love.

Forgiveness is an internal process of deciding not to seek revenge and maybe even to do a kindness in the face of evil. Forgiveness and love do not preclude naming evil for what it is; they do not turn us away from seeking justice, and they do not entail forgetting (“Forgive and forget” without justice is a most unhelpful phrase).

So I try to forgive, and try to love even when hurting because it is good for my mental and spiritual well being. Scripture says, “don’t try to overcome evil with evil but overcome evil with good.” I think this is what Jesus’ hard sayings are aiming at.
Rev. Julia Wilson