Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor March 27

Why not a museum
dedicated to Knotts?
A couple of years ago, I had the privilege of visiting your fair city as a tourist. What a beautiful town you have. One of my main objectives was to take in any and all things related to Don Knotts, my favorite actor of all time.
I visited the fine exhibit of his at the downtown location and enjoyed seeing all the memorabilia of Knotts’ life and career in show business. My wife and I especially enjoyed seeing some old letters of his, movie mementos, etc., and I particularly liked the Mayberry Union High letter jacket on display. Even true to the colors of Orange and Blue as the school song goes.
Later my wife and I walked  to the Metropolitan Theatre, got to go inside and then posed with his statue and Hollywood Walk of Fame star in the sidewalk. We were pleased to have noticed Don Knotts Boulevard as we drove into town as well.
We also had the privilege of meeting local citizen John Pyles, who as you know was instrumental in these  efforts to memorialize Knotts in Morgantown.
He shared with us his vision for an even greater way to recognize Knotts with a full-fledged museum in his honor. We agree wholeheartedly.
Why not gather even more articles, letters, pictures, relics of his life (it’s quite a story you know) and enhance it with videos of favorite scenes in “The Andy Griffith Show,” his various movies, or even earlier career?
This could be a definite tourist draw for the city and the area in general.  Surely, there’s some place in the downtown area that could be renovated for such a project without great expense. It would  enhance the cultural appeal of your friendly city.
I  understand there has been  some talk in the past of a museum devoted to Knotts and that’s good. I just want to encourage city leaders/planners/citizens to take advantage of the opportunity before them and “knott”  miss out.
Charlie Norman
Cleburne, Texas

Don’t lose country by
supporting Democrats
It’s apparent that campaigning is fervently ramping up for election to the office of president of the United States in 2020. Actually, I think it began in November of 2016.
The Democratic Party is rounding up a 20-mule team fiasco whose main goal appears to be the destruction of America and its Constitution. This group is made up of more clowns than the  Barnum and Bailey Circus could ever hope for. False prophets, babblers and hatemongers fill the bill.

These aspiring candidates are being aided by sympathetic left-leaning zealots. Our education system is one contributor. Indoctrination of our youth has been going on for decades. A vast majority of a biased mainstream media doesn’t hide its support of lies and socialistic values. I can barely watch or read about their nonsense anymore.
Our Congress is the most do-nothing bunch I’ve ever laid eyes on. Some are trying to do the right thing but an obstructive majority prevents this from happening. And political ignorance, apathy and subversion to the above and it’s not a pretty picture.

Elimination of the Electoral College, alteration of the Supreme Court, voting by 16-year-olds, open borders, infanticide, global warming, a Green New Deal, anti-Semitism, free education, free medical care, etc. are the platforms of these Democratic Party  knaves. Do you think the government is going to give everybody everything free? Dream on Alice. It’s the same old song and dance. These people will say and do anything to get your vote and then take all you have if elected.

America is the last bastion on earth for freedom. If we lose it there is no place to run. I remember Russia’s Nikita Khrushchev banging his shoe on a table and exclaiming, “We will bury you!” We already have one foot in the grave. Don’t let the other foot slip.
People better get their heads out of their duffel bags and pay attention to what is happening. We don’t need or want socialism or communism in this country. Don’t lose the country by supporting these candidates. God help us.

Joe McLaughlin