Justin Jackson, Local Sports, Morgantown, News, Sports, University

University’s players “gave up” in Mohawk Bowl says coach John Kelley

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — In the disappointing loss to Morgantown in the Mohawk Bowl, University High football coach John Kelley said his players didn’t show up from the beginning.

“We continued to shoot ourselves in the foot in the first half and then we just let them take over the game,” Kelley said. “They just dissected us in the third quarter and our guys gave up.

“That’s what I’m disappointed in the most, our guys quit. I’ve never had a team quit like that before.”
Kelley added the difference of the game was up front.

“They showed us a four-man box and we couldn’t block it with five,” Kelley said. “It’s no secret. Teams have hurt us up front all year.”