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WVU students compete for Mountaineer Week’s best beard

MORGANTOWN — Wind, air and the temperature were all new sensations dancing across Davis Versprille’s face after he shaved his beard Sept. 26 as part of the annual Mountaineer Week beard-growing competition.
This year, 15 people signed up to take part in the competition and shaved their beards in hopes of growing the best beard by Mountaineer Week and winning the competition.
People who want to enter late can but will be at a disadvantage because they won’t get the full length of time to grow their beards, said Aren Cox, chairman of the competition. Cox can be contacted at
Mountaineer mascot Trevor Kiess said the competition is a unique, long-standing tradition, and it’s a great way to show off Appalachian culture.
Cox said the tradition has been going on for 70 years.

Last year, Versprille claimed second place in the competition and hopes he can win this year. He said he used beard oil last year to try to keep his beard healthy.
Students will be able to grow their beards until Oct. 24, when the winner is picked by a panel of judges during Mountaineer Week, Cox said.
He said the judges use their own criteria to pick the best beard, but grooming, creativity, fullness and length all come into play.
The winner of the contest will receive $100; second place, $75; and third place, $50.
New this year is an inter-fraternity competition, Cox said. The fraternity with the most participants will have $150 donated to its philanthropy.
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