Columns/Opinion, Letters to the Editor

State must stand up for SNAP in farm bill

Ryan Lewis, Morgantown
The farm bill is an important piece of legislation in our community and across West Virginia. Among many significant provisions, the farm bill funds the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which helps families with children, seniors and people with disabilities get enough to eat.
SNAP is an important program, which is why I was disappointed to see Rep. David McKinley vote for a version of the farm bill last month that would take away food assistance from
2 million struggling Americans.
I grew up in Roane County, one of the poorest counties in the state, and this measure would take away needed assistance for nearly 35 percent of the population in that county alone.
But now, as the Senate considers a bipartisan farm bill proposal to strengthen SNAP and invest in communities, I have hope Congress will do right by West Virginians. Unlike the House farm bill, the Senate proposal reflects a reality most of us already know: The best outcome for our state is a strong, bipartisan, on-time farm bill that protects SNAP.
I urge Sen. Joe Manchin to vote in favor of this bipartisan farm bill with no changes to nutrition assistance, and I urge my fellow West Virginians to continue to ask our elected officials to stand up for SNAP.