Columns/Opinion, Letters to the Editor

Members of Congress still thriving in swamp

Joseph Vickers, Morgantown

I’m writing in regards to the crooks, liars and tax cheats in Congress and we must not leave out a few perverts.
Too many of the 535 members of Congress feel they were sent to Washington, D.C., to enrich themselves and their families and the hell with the other 320 million people living in this country.
If these folks in Congress were serious about the safety of school children, they might consider hiring former police officers and former members of the military. Place them in every school in this country.
The government could take some or all of their secret $17 million sex slush fund to help pay these salaries.
When President Trump stated he wanted to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C. and Congress, I thought he would have more success in draining the actual swamps of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.
I do not believe you could pry one member out of Washington’s swamp, let alone 535 members.
These folks in Congress belong to a good ole boys and girls club that is restricted to them and their families.
Democrats and Republicans take turns bad mouthing each other on a daily basis, but there is not a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties.
Social Security gave a 2 percent cost of living increase to its recipients on Jan. 1 and Medicare raised Part B Health Care by 25 percent. Talk about a bait and switch.
If the citizens of the United States did not have to listen to how great things are, we would probably be much happier.